'Safe & Sound' , Indeed. There you are, Nina. What a tour de force! I sniffled a bit (actually more than a bit) while reading your account of your stay in Denver to say adieu to the Dorns, Lucia's steadfast and beloved friends.

I can't tell you what your "Looking for Lucia" has meant to me. The rawness and honesty and your love for your subject are a special treat. And, of course, I adore your gift as a writer (here and elsewhere) I am planning to return to your pages throughout the rest of November, Lucia's 19th year, resting next to Ed Dorn in the cemetery in Boulder.

How lucky Lucia is to have you as her biographer, Nina! If you ever come to Ecuador, we will have a room with a view of the Pacific and meals to dream about--humbly bragged.

Take care and rest. I will have a special prayer for Lucia at Thanksgiving this year and you're included.

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This moves me so much, Ingeborg — thank you — and of course it would be an absolutely dream to visit you in Ecuador one day! Thanks so much for cheering me on and for being so kind... And happy holidays!

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I'm so glad you're home and resting. Nina! That was an amazing feat. It must be exhausting to travel back and forth across two continents, braving hurricanes and snowstorms, but to be meeting so many people, researching and recording and writing all the time, that must really have drained you. Still, it was such a pleasure to have you looking for Lucia in Colorado! Thank you!

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Thank YOU!

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